Language learning is a complex
process, every child goes through different kind of processes before speaking a
language, the surrounding in which child lives plays an important role in his
language learning. If he does not receive input during that stage he may not be
able to speak in a proper way again, in case of genie, who was 12-year-old, she
was kept apart from his surrounding and given a separate room, as a result, she
was unable to produce language although the language was taught to him it was
useless because she remains unsuccessful in producing fluent speak. First two
years of a child plays an important role in child acquisition.
Furthermore, children have their
own grammar, in which they construct their own grammatical speaking patterns.
They do not imitate or speak through reinforcement but they speak because of
their own innate ability which enables them to differentiate between them. In a critical period, if a child does not receive input, then it is very difficult
for him/her to speak again, this is the reason it is a critical period.
This is the period during which the child
receives input from his caretakers, relatives or anyone person who is speaking
to him/her. Motherese plays an important role in establishing children's language
and in building his own sentences. Although, children do not imitate mothers plays a quintessential role because it is the input that helps the
Motherese does not mean that only
children mother talk to him any person can talk to the baby and respond to
motherese rather than adult speech, children prefer motherese because it is
less complex, and also it is simple and it is easy for them to understand. Here
comes another point that is of children comprehension is better than their
production of speech, there are shreds of evidence which proves that children
comprehension is better, for example, if a caretaker talks to a child, he
understands him because he responds to them through certain postures and
Motherese is a language that the
parents or caretakers use to communicate with a child even when the child is not
capable of understanding or producing those sounds or words. This is a
pre-linguistic stage, in which the child learns different words or languages by
the people who talk to him in his surroundings.
We were asked to conduct a research
about the features of Motherese and their application in various communities
(Pakistan, America, United Kingdom, Afghanistan, Chinese and Swedish,
Philippine). The features of, motherese include object permanence which states
that caretaker talk to children only about the things which are present around
exaggerated / high/ raised
phonologies; in parentheses stress in words is also used so that the
children may better be understood.
Pauses: pauses are used
repeatedly so children may better have understood
repetitions, words
repetition is the common characteristics of parentheses,
elision, there is an absence or elision
means unstressed sounds remain omitted and more focus is on stress syllable.
lack of poverty of stimulus and
behavioristic stances, in any background children, are taken, they will learn
the language.
use of simplified speeches, simple
language is used while talking to babies, complex language is avoided.
of unstressed syllables, unstressed syllables are deleted.
immediacy and concreteness, only
those sentences are spoken that are present in the environment also parents air
caretakers talk to children about the concrete things which they can touch and
harmonization of vowels and consonants,
of (w and j) in place of (l),
the grammaticality of inputs, parents talk
to children taking account of grammar, ungrammatical sentences are avoided by
parents, even these kinds of sentences are spoken to them they do not imitate,
and their acquisition remained unharmed
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