Madman is the person who unfolds the reality of life, his imagination is out of the reach of a layman, he is the one who can foresee the future. His perception extraordinary that is why he is considered a madman in society. Khalil Gibran was a mystic sort of person, it is erroneous to say him a clinically mad because he was not for sure, he was identified as a madman among his people because of his confrontation of reality.
Khalil Gibran in his first prose-poetry 'How I became a madman' confesses about his reality towards this world and how he was perceived by the people just like Zarathustra; a prophet, when he came down upon the mountains, he was misunderstood and people started calling him a madman but once he realizes that he has come before time, he again went to the mountains, so here we see similarities between Khalil Gibran madness with him, as he says in his poem,
'when every mask that was of illusion uncovered from my face, for the first time sun kissed me and see the sky and when I reached the market place people start calling me a madman but for me, it was real me because that glorified and enhanced my imagination and introduced me with the new reality of life, this was the point when I woke up from a dream and see the authenticity of life, those who were calling me a madman I become isolated from them because they were the arena build by society to hide their own identity.
Gibran has criticized the society by using the concept of madness, to him people who wear masks for their approval in society are a madman and who uncovers and destroy these masks and real people. in the poem 'Wise king' we can see how he introduced us to the society that considers king a madman, forking they were the madman. In his poems, we can foresee through his insight into the true picture of society.
'The sleepwalkers' exhibits the hypocrisy of family as well as the mask that we wear and instantly our conscious mind alarms us and prohibits us not to approach reality in a way we consider, as in this poem we see mother while their sleep reveals to his daughter that your youthfulness has diminished my youth but as they woke up she says 'dear' and conscious mind prevails over her and restrict to say. We also see how society is exposed in front of us that is demanding justice and misunderstanding the message of the Holy book. in the poem 'The blessed city' madman goes and sees that everyone is lacking one leg and arm, everyone's one body part is missing after requiring from them, he analysis he and children are the only one who has full body parts, inquiring some knowledge he comes to know that they have misunderstood the message of God and those who consider him a madman were themselves mad because they had closed their eyes to encrypt the real message.
A madman is a person who lives beyond any limits, he can see what is happening around because he is not living in the hallucination, when he tries to make them restless he got hit by. madness open his consciousness and make him more alert about the surroundings. As Gibran blessed those thieves who stole his mask, because mask blurs everything, a person who is a madman is not rebellious but as people don't accept him he isolates from society or evolves himself to their reality that is Maya. as in 'The wise king' when witch adds poison in the well, everyone, by drinking it becomes an illusion base person and king with his chamberlain only remain real which is for them a madness and they called them a madman but because of lust for power king with his companion drinks that water to adopt themselves in their masks. here we can see how society has been satirized those who once sing the songs of the king now revolting. society's aspect from its inhabitants to walk in their footsteps and whoever disobeys called a madman, in other words, you are not allowed to think out of the box. As in 'Crucifixion', we see that madman demands from his society to crucify him because he has confronted the reality and he knows these people are mere toys of their own rules and are blind enough to foresee, right after his killing he gets free because it is his freedom that he has exercised through the force of his words. madman
'when I become a madman' and in 'crucifixion' we can see that people have lowered their heads and when masks uncover, they see beyond their limits for the first time, the writer has satirized the society.
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