Death of Ivan Ilych

  • The 'Death of Ivan IIych' depicts the story of a man suffering from acute pain, and it unable to find escape in the tortures of his life, the only shelter he took was his own self and become a solitary, even though he departed himself from the social circle, but still he was having a common talk with his colleagues about the court, at the initial  stage of his life, he was as happy as he wished for and lived the life to his fullest, having all luxuries of his life, without having any glimpse of realization of what he was doing with his life, he was just living as it was supposed to, as others live; the concept of other in this Novella played a quintessential role, as he was living for others more than his own self, to show his repute to the society, and finally, become fully dependent on others for his treatment, Gerasim was the only one supporting him all the time, Illness triggered his inner thoughts to ponder and observe his life deeply and as it becomes more serious he also becomes more sensitive towards his thoughts, and questioned, '' Is there any meaning to life at all?'' that was the starting point in his life when he started observing the things, the materialistic things seem to him unworthy, the relationships, respect, popularity was lessening its importance in front of him because of the spirituality, the feeling of finding meaning in his life, he accepted them and tried to solve them also that nothing remains for so long. He was suffering more mentally. The foreshadowing in the novella depicts his thoughts, and his past memories, the life in which he had run for a long period of time now seem useless.
    For him, death becomes his being and it made more sense to him than anything, before that he was refusing the fact of death as we can see in the text when he was repeating the syllogism about mortality that he accepted about mortality, he was unable to apply on his own. But his illness, pain; that become much spiritual for him than physical, and concept of death that was abstract changed into concrete form.
    Spending his time in the dark continually for several days; as he was struggling, and dipped down in the dark cave but still questioning and thinking existentialists questions that he asks from himself become solved. And at the last moments of his life, he sees the light, all his suffering, pain, and pangs converted into blessing and pleasantness and gone forever. Here we also see Tolstoy depiction of his self, as he also realized all the phenomena of life until the last moment the ultimate reality that is death. But death is not the end, it’s another door towards heaven. The ‘light’ in the end serving as a seed sprouting from the soil, that first buries and then initiates new life, pessimism he viewed now transformed into happiness and optimism. His death also uncovers the existence of God in our lives that without believing on spirituality and on Him we are living like sloths having no aim and purpose, and the ‘Essentially’ of death, that we all will experience is inescapable, it is a saying, ‘’ Death is the ultimate possibility of my being’.
    Henceforth, Tolstoy gives his message in an ambiguous way through his character by portraying in a realist way.


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